It was a fun morning at our house between first and second kitty breakfast!
My favorite toy is this jingle ball tied to a string.
I take it away from the apes and run with it.
And I mean RUN.
Sometimes I narrowly avoid smacking into things.
Sometimes I smack into things.
The packing paper is also a lot of fun.
So is the camera.
I charged the camera right after this was taken.
Mean mommy won't let me play with the camera.
I. Shall. Sulk.
(Closeup of adorable sulk.)
Well, if sulking won't work, I'll wash.
The paper rustled!
Why is Mommy snapping her fingers and whistling that West Side Story tune?
I'll show her. I'll climb up on her back and wash myself!
She won't be able to move,
and Daddy will be laughing so hard he has trouble taking a photo.
All grudges forgotten. Snuggles make up for anything.
So cute!