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Saturday, May 12, 2018

Wind, dust, and alpenglow

I looked out the window this evening, grabbed the camera, and ran.

Had to pause to say hi to a neighbor, though.

 The wind blew hard all day today. There was a lot of dust, so what looks like soft focus is actually stuff in the air. The light over Strawberry was a deep brownish gold.

I love the way evening light shows the shapes of the mountains. 

The clouds were wonderful Art Deco shapes to the west.

The alpenglow was as intense as I've ever seen it.

I was not welcomed by this pair.

 As the colors darkened toward night, I took one last look southwestward to the low bluffs of John Day and the tall shape of Aldrich Mountain.

Monday, May 7, 2018

A sunny, windless day!

Such days are rare here.
Our vet says she loves to see dogs with green feet.
In dandelion season, we have a yellow-footed dog!
Remember, early pollinators need dandelions!
We'll cut them when they start to seed.

Eowyn was very happy.